Innovation in Architecture: Embracing environmental design

We run a regular and varied programme of Continuing Professional Development sessions in our studio, lately ranging from changes in The Building Safety Act to textured brickwork.

Just last week, our talented Architectural Designer, Przemek Piotrowicz, gave us a sneak peek into the fascinating work he's been doing as part of his Architecture and Environmental Design MSc. It's fantastic to have our very own in-house expert!

Buildings and construction are responsible for 39% of carbon emissions globally, of which 28% is from energy consumption, and 11% from construction materials (embodied carbon). So, how do we tackle global environmental and energy issues while creating buildings that meet the needs of current and future generations? That's where Przemek's expertise comes in.

He showed us how advanced computer modelling can be used to understand a building’s performance and enable designers to make the most of existing site opportunities, ultimately producing environmentally responsive buildings. By gaining the knowledge and tools in environmental modelling and design, we can be more successful in creating buildings that are not only healthier and more energy-efficient but sensitive to their surroundings. All backed by solid evidence.


Retrofitting Older Homes


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